My title

Experience the full transformation

Experience the
full transformation

We answer your FAQs after these highlights:

We answer your FAQs

after these highlights:

For modern parents who want their child to be independent and happy

I want to be a modern and
supportive mum. Not a
Tiger or Helicopter Parent

Carol reflected on how daily arguments
with her daughter led to tears every night
Now, her daughter finds happiness in
learning. She revises her work diligently
with self-initiative. Carol is finally able to
be a loving and supportive mum

Relying on
tuition is not sustainable.
I want lifelong


I just wanted peace
in the family again

Learn from role model “elder siblings” practical and proven study skills

Your team's step-by-step
approach imparts lifelong skills
that are personalised for him

We teach even MOE teachers. That is how
you know it is effective in the classroom.
Alexia’s son will immediately apply the
skills to his actual schoolwork. He looks
up to his role model “elder brother”
mentor. Now he plans his own timetable.

I want my son
to learn from the
original source
. You teach the teachers.


Constant support
like an elder sister

An elite investment with a one-year commitment but for lifelong success

I could see a clear path
to success. Every step
of this one-year plan
was expertly designed.

You will know exactly what skills
your child will be learning each week
This will be the biggest investment you
will make towards your child’s future
But they say it is worth 100 times when
their child is independent and happy.

I come home
and I see my
engaged in her
online 1-to-1


In this case, money
did buy happiness

Why mums
invest in our help

For modern parents who

want their child to be

independent and happy

I want to be a modern
and supportive mum.
Not a Tiger or

Carol reflected on how daily
arguments with her daughter
led to tears every night
Now, her daughter finds
happiness in learning. She
revises her work diligently
with self-initiative. Carol is
finally able to be a loving
and supportive mum

Relying on tuition
is not sustainable.
I want lifelong


I just wanted peace
in the family again


How we help your child
become independent

Learn from role model
“elder siblings” practical
and proven study skills

Your team's step-by-step
approach imparts
lifelong skills that are
personalised for him

We teach even MOE teachers. That is how you know it is effective in the classroom.

Alexia’s son will immediately apply theskills to his actual

schoolwork. He looks up to

his role model “elder brother”

mentor. Now he plans his

own timetable.

I want my son to learn
from the original source.
You teach the teachers.


Constant support
like an elder sister


What does the
programme feel like

An elite investment with a

one-year commitment

but for lifelong success

I could see a clear path
to success. Every step
of this one-year plan
was expertly designed.


You will know exactly

what skills your child will be

learning each week

This will be the biggest

investment you will make

towards your child’s future

But they say it is

worth 100 times

when their child is

independent and happy.

I come home and I
see my daughter
engaged in her online
1-to-1 mentoring


In this case, money
did buy happiness


Do you offer free trials?

“My friends asked if there were free trials. I told them no. This is not your typical tuition. This is personalised mentoring.”
– Alexia on Mumtalks

Instead, we have our award-winning Diamond Discovery Diagnostics to help your child pinpoint problematic habits.

Discovering the problematic habits is the first step to study habits transformation. Check it out on our store here.

How will my child feel?

“I could not recognise my girl, but in a very good way. She is now in her dream school and continues to apply these lifelong skills.”
– Carol Gockel on Mumtalks

Thousands of students have rated our team as the best in engagement.

See if your child will feel the same way they feel by getting to know our team of more than 50+ dedicated mentors here.

How does your programme work?

“Every step of this one-year plan was expertly designed. The daily accountability helped her to build lifelong habits.”
– Carol Gockel on Mumtalks

We are a team of current scholars and honor students who have excelled in the Singapore education system. This is why we are MOE-registered study skills specialists who teach teachers how to help their students learn effectively.

We do not dabble in tuition or motivation workshops.

Instead, we are behavioural change experts. We help your child build lifelong study habits exactly like the Top 1% students in Singapore.

If we could give you a brochure for a tailor-made programme for your child, then you know it is not actually crafted just for your child. But here is a general overview.

To achieve the best results with most of our students, your child will go through a 1 year online 1-to-1 mentoring programme with us. Our dedicated study skills mentor will design a personalised education plan for your child.

This includes two online mentoring sessions every week to impart the Top 1% study skills. Your child’s mentor will also hold them accountable on a daily basis.

Your child should be prepared for 2 hours of mentoring every week. More commitment may be required for students with greater rooms for improvements.

If this feels like a massive commitment, it absolutely will be. But it will set your child up for lifelong success.

What is the investment needed?

“The biggest investment we have made in our children’s future. But it brought peace and happiness to the family”
– Carol and Alexia on Mumtalks

When MOE schools engage us to help develop their students’ study habits, they invest up to $40,000 for just 2 days of expert-led seminars.

To transform your child into a confident and independent learner without relying on tuition, we stand on top of the highest-tier of elite investments you can make in your child’s future.

The dedication and expertise from our role model mentors commands an investment several times higher than yearly tuition fees.

For families who prioritise giving their children the best opportunities to inherit the wealth of study skills experience, our programme works better than anything else out there.

If you prioritise affordability, here are some good programmes that rests at the cheaper end. Among the MOE teachers we have taught study skills to, some are parents themselves who have sent their children to these programmes:

  • I am Gifted (local)
  • iCanStudy by Justin Sung (not local)
  • BrainFit (local)