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Special Webinar With Experts

Special Webinar
With Experts

From S$700.00

We are always talking to parents, students and the mentors in our programme. Nurturing lifelong habits will always be a lifelong learning journey.

Sometimes in our discussions, we identify important skills that can help complement what our students are already learning in our Study Habits Transformation Programme.

Jointly Designed With Industry Experts Only

We partner with leading experts in the topics we are interested in. This kickstarts months of preparation and curriculum design between First Principles Education and the industry experts.

Our team reviews all webinar material before they are approved. This ensures all of our Special Guest Webinars are relevant to our participants. Our study skills mentors will also help to facilitate the games, discussions and activities for participants to have a hands-on experience.

Bonus: Diamond Discovery Diagnostics

All families in our Study Habits Transformation Programme will receive complimentary tickets to these Special Guest Webinars.

However, for families who are not in our programme but paid for any of our Special Guest Webinars, you will be entitled to a complimentary Diamond Discovery Diagnostics (worth $150) for your child.

This is our team’s commitment to help families learn about their child’s weakest study habits areas for improvements. It will also give you full clarity on how to apply the skills taught in the Special Guest Webinars.

Latest Topic:
Raising Confident &
Resilient Children

Raising Confident & Resilient Children by Principal Lisa


Interested to find out more?

Download the brochure here.
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We are always talking to parents, students and the mentors in our programme. Nurturing lifelong habits will always be a lifelong learning journey.

Sometimes in our discussions, we identify important skills that can help complement what our students are already learning in our Study Habits Transformation Programme.

Jointly Designed With
Industry Experts Only

We partner with leading experts in the topics we are interested in. This kickstarts months of preparation and curriculum design between First Principles Education and the industry experts.

Our team reviews all webinar material before they are approved. This ensures all of our Special Guest Webinars are relevant to our participants. Our study skills mentors will also help to facilitate the games, discussions and activities for participants to have a hands-on experience.

Bonus: Diamond Discovery

All families in our Study Habits Transformation Programme will receive complimentary tickets to these Special Guest Webinars.

However, for families who are not in our programme but paid for any of our Special Guest Webinars, you will be entitled to a complimentary Diamond Discovery Diagnostics (worth $150) for your child.

This is our team’s commitment to help families learn about their child’s weakest study habits areas for improvements. It will also give you full clarity on how to apply the skills taught in the Special Guest Webinars.